Wednesday12 March 2025

The government will cover over half of the utility bills. What subsidy can a family earning 10,000 a month expect?

The final amount of assistance is influenced by a variety of factors.
Государство покроет более половины коммунальных расходов. Какова будет субсидия для семьи с месячным доходом в 10 тысяч?

The subsidy is assigned individually, and its amount is influenced by the family's total income, the number of its members, and expenses on utilities within social norms. You can calculate the mandatory payment amount using a simple formula.

Let’s consider a hypothetical family of three: a small child, a woman on maternity leave, and a man earning 10,000 UAH. If the woman receives 860 UAH in child benefits, this amount is taken into account when assigning the subsidy.

  1. The first step is to determine the income for each family member: 10860/3=3620.
  2. Then, we divide the obtained amount by the living wage (for the year 2025), then by the basic coefficient, and multiply by the basic rate for utility services. The last two figures are stable. 3620/2920/2*15=9.3%.
  3. To convert it to UAH, we multiply the obtained percentage by the total monthly income: 9.3%*10860=1,009.98 UAH the family should pay for utilities each month.

According to social norms, with all types of utility services available, the average payment can reach up to 3000 UAH during the heating season for a two-room apartment. In this case, the subsidy amount will be 3000 - 1009.98 = 1990.02 UAH during the heating season. The final amount depends on the living conditions and the cost of provided utility services in a specific locality.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that social norms for heating vary depending on its type. For general calculations, the housing norm is used; however, if the heating is gas, electric, or there is a meter—it's calculated differently.