Thursday13 February 2025

"Let Russians keep 'glazun' – how to correctly refer to an egg breakfast in Ukrainian."

You definitely haven't heard words like these before.
"Глазунью" оставьте россиянам: как правильно назвать яичный завтрак на украинском?

Ukrainians who switch to their native language still use Surzhyk terms for popular breakfast dishes. Among the most common mistakes for egg dishes are "soft-boiled" and "fried egg".

"Telegraph," citing Ukrainian philologist Oleksandr Avramenko, will discuss the correct terms for egg dishes. According to the well-known television educator, "soft-boiled egg" and "fried egg" are actually Surzhyk.

Therefore, it's better to forget these words if you are transitioning to the Ukrainian language. Instead, there are many other beautiful and melodious words.

The correct terms to use instead of:

  • "soft-boiled" — некруте яйце (or liquid);
  • "fried egg" — оката яєчня.

"A boiled egg with a runny yolk should be called 'некрутим яйцем', while a fried egg with a runny yolk is 'окатою яєчнею', since the yolk, not mixed with the white, resembles an eye," Avramenko explained.

Avramenko also pointed out that it is "оката," not "оковита," for fried eggs. After all, "оковита" refers to a strong high-quality vodka.

Previously, "Telegraph" discussed how to affectionately refer to "grandma" in Ukrainian.