Friday14 March 2025

Did Cossacks have nine lives and could they charm bullets? Discover the truths and myths surrounding the character Cossacks in Ukrainian history.

Characteristics are legendary Cossack sorcerers who, according to tradition, possessed supernatural abilities and played a significant role in Cossack culture during the 17th century.
Сколько жизней у казаков-характерников? Разоблачение мифов и фактов об их способности заговаривать пули в украинской истории.

Cossacks, particularly in the context of Ukrainian history, have always been associated with bravery, military feats, and certain mystical attributes. One of the most intriguing figures in Cossack folklore is the "kharkternyk" — individuals who, according to legend, possessed extraordinary abilities such as witchcraft or the ability to transform into animals.

But did these characters truly have such powers, or are they merely folk myths? Interesting facts were shared by historian Alexander Alferov.

The Origin of the Term "Kharkternyk"

The word "kharkternyk" is derived from the Greek word "character," which means "sign" or "mark." In medieval Europe, this term was used to refer to individuals who bore specific magical signs on their bodies, indicating their connection to the devil or witchcraft. In Ukraine, kharkternyks were referred to as Cossacks who had gained a reputation as sorcerers. For instance, Polish historian Bartash Paprocki noted in his writings Cossacks who could "charm" bullets.

Characteristics in Historical Sources

Historical documents from the 17th century contain numerous mentions of kharkternyks. For example, priest Shimon Okolsky described how Cossacks used magic to ensure success in battles. His diary states that Cossacks placed "witches" on roofs to ensure good shooting. These facts indicate that witchcraft was an integral part of Cossack culture.

Witchcraft and Its Consequences

Witchcraft among Cossacks was not limited to military rituals. There are also accounts of magic being used for personal purposes. For instance, in the poem by Martin Pashkovsky, it is mentioned that Cossacks had nine souls — like cats — and could return to life after death. This highlights the deep roots of belief in magic within Ukrainian folklore.

Famous Kharkternyks

Among the most famous kharkternyks are:

  • Ivan Syroko;
  • Semyon Paliy;
  • Ivan Bohun;
  • Ivan Pidkov;
  • Maxim Kryvonos.

However, the most renowned kharkternyk is considered to be the Cossack Mamay – an idealized image of a traveling Cossack, warrior, and sage. Additionally, according to legend, nearly all Cossack hetmans, koshevoy atamans, and famous colonels were also kharkternyks.

Modern Perspective on Kharkternyks

Today, the study of the history of kharkternyks captivates many researchers. Some regard them as mythical figures created to explain the inexplicable. Others assert that such figures had real existence and played a significant role in the culture and social life of the Ukrainian people.

Kharkternyks remain enigmatic figures in history and culture. Their images intertwine with legends and reality, creating a unique mythological space. Whether they were real sorcerers or simply characters from folk tales, their influence on Ukrainian culture is still identifiable today.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on unexpected discoveries by a Turkish researcher in Ukraine. He advised caution around Cossacks and admired female beauty.