Friday14 March 2025

Nolan is set to film "Odyssey" on a historic island near Sicily, where it's believed Ulysses once landed.

Christopher Nolan has selected the island of Favignana as the filming location for his new adaptation of "The Odyssey." According to scholars, this is believed to be the site where the legendary Odysseus landed during his journey.
Нолан планирует снять «Одиссею» на историческом острове у Сицилии, где, по легенде, высадился Улисс.

The adaptation of "The Odyssey" by Christopher Nolan will be partially filmed at the location where experts believe Odysseus began his adventures.

Reports UNN citing Variety.


The new film "Odyssey" by Christopher Nolan is starting to take shape.

The adaptation of the ancient Greek epic poem by Homer, which tells the story of the adventures of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, will partially be shot in Sicily, which scholars believe was the site of Odysseus's wanderings in the epic written in the 8th century BC.

Specifically, Christopher Nolan will travel to the island of Favignana, known as the "goat island."

This is where Homer supposedly depicted Ulysses landing with his crew to roast goats and stock up on food. The royal island is part of the Egadi archipelago, off the northwest coast of Sicily. Filming for "The Odyssey" is expected to last around two months there.


"The Odyssey" narrates the 10-year journey of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, as he returns home after the Trojan War. Along the way, he encounters numerous dangers and learns of the deaths of his crew members. Telemachus (son of Odysseus), Penelope (wife of Odysseus), Athena, Circe, Poseidon, and Zeus are the main characters.

The cast of "The Odyssey" has been confirmed, featuring Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Lupita Nyong'o, Robert Pattinson, and Charlize Theron. It has not yet been disclosed who will play which role.


Director Christopher Nolan is adapting Homer's saga "The Odyssey," with the premiere scheduled for July 2026, according to Universal Pictures.

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