Thursday13 March 2025

From radical ideas to state strategy: what was the ideology of Stepan Bandera?

His predictions regarding Ukraine's role as a destroyer of Moscow's imperialism and a unifier of oppressed nations are unfolding before our eyes.
От крайних взглядов к государственной политике: какова была идеология Степана Бандеры?

Stepan Bandera is a figure that is gaining new interpretation in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war. His ideological legacy has proven to be remarkably relevant for understanding contemporary events and the future of Ukraine.

The historical motivator Yevhen Murza reminded that Bandera's main thesis was that Ukraine is a "volcano of liberation revolution that cannot be extinguished or suppressed." He suggested that Ukraine would be the force capable of resisting Moscow's imperialism and uniting other oppressed nations around it.

Bandera's Ideology

Bandera warned that mere independence for Ukraine is insufficient to ensure its security. He noted that as long as other nations remain under Moscow's control, Ukrainian statehood will be under constant threat. This thesis is particularly relevant today, as experts discuss the necessity of democratization and decolonization across the entire post-Soviet space.

An important aspect of Bandera's ideology was the categorical rejection of any collaboration with Russian opposition forces. He believed that imperial thinking is inherent in all political currents in Russia, regardless of their stance towards the ruling regime.

It is worth noting that Bandera was primarily an ideologue and theorist of Ukrainian nationalism. In exile, he developed a comprehensive concept of the Ukrainian liberation struggle, which remains relevant today. His vision of Ukraine as the "historical grave digger of Moscow-Bolshevik imperialism" has proven prophetic. Today, Ukraine has indeed become the center of resistance to Russian imperialism and a source of inspiration for other nations striving for freedom.

Bandera's ideas about the necessity of a complete break with imperial Russia and the creation of a new just order on the ruins of the empire resonate with contemporary Ukrainian society. His assertions about the impossibility of compromise with the imperial state are confirmed by current events.

Stepan Bandera left us not just a theoretical legacy, but a practical guideline for the development and protection of Ukrainian statehood. His ideas, once considered radical, have now become part of the mainstream of Ukrainian political thought and the foundation of the national security strategy.

Earlier, "Telegraph" shared the controversial story of Mykola Mikhnovsky. He fought for Ukraine's independence, combining political activity with an extravagant lifestyle.