Friday07 March 2025

From Scythians to the present: a historian reveals how buckwheat became a staple in Ukraine.

How Buckwheat Came to Ukraine and Why It Became a Symbol of National Resilience
От скифов до наших дней: историк объясняет, как гречка стала популярной в Украине.

Buckwheat is a crop that has firmly established itself in Ukrainian cuisine and culture, boasting a fascinating history that spans continents and centuries. Interestingly, the name of this crop sparks numerous discussions among researchers.

According to research by Ukrainian historian Alexander Alferov, this hardy plant originates from the distant Himalayas and Tibet, from where it began its journey to Ukrainian lands. Buckwheat was introduced to the territory of modern Ukraine alongside the Scythians and Sarmatians millennia ago, but its true rise in popularity occurred during the period of Kievan Rus.

The Secret of the Name's Origin

There is a theory that buckwheat owes its second discovery in Ukrainian territories to Greek monks who brought it to Europe. In various European countries, this crop has acquired different names reflecting its spread: the French and Italians call it "Saracen grain," the Czechs refer to it as "pagan," while the Spaniards label it "Turkish." These names indicate that buckwheat made its way to Europe during the Crusades.

An Ideal Crop for Ukrainian Lands

The special value of buckwheat lies in its adaptability to growing conditions. It requires little care, making it an ideal crop to cultivate in times of constant instability and frequent attacks on Ukrainian borders. Due to the widespread cultivation of buckwheat, Cossacks began referring to peasants as "buckwheat eaters" – a term that highlighted the importance of this crop in the daily lives of Ukrainians.

A Symbol of Ukrainian Resilience

Buckwheat has become not just an important food product but a true symbol of the adaptability and endurance of the Ukrainian people. Its history is intricately linked with the history of Ukraine, showcasing our people's ability to adjust to various living conditions and turn challenges into opportunities.

Today, buckwheat remains one of the most significant staple crops in Ukraine, preserving its cultural and historical value. Its nutritional properties, historical significance, and culinary versatility make buckwheat indispensable in Ukrainian diet and life.

Earlier, "Telegraph" reported on how much potatoes Ukrainians consumed in the 19th century. The figures exceed even modern statistics.