More and more Ukrainians are consciously switching to their native language. This is evident both in public spaces and in personal conversations. However, mistakes are still made; for instance, many people are unsure of what to say when supporting someone who is ill. "Get well," "recover," "hang in there" – these phrases are direct translations from Russian and can still be heard.
On the other hand, the Ukrainian language offers a rich array of sincere and warm words of support. "Telegraph" will tell you more about them.
It is important to note that the Ukrainian language does not have a verb for "to recover." The most common and correct term is "одужуй." This is the phrase to use for brief wishes in messages. For formal conversations, it is better to say "бажаю найшвидшого одужання."
In Ukrainian, there are many nice words related to recovery. A patient can видужувати, оклигувати, or поправлятися. People also often say: "стати на ноги", "очунювати", "вичухуватися", "повертати до здоров'я."
It is essential to understand the difference between the words. "Не болеть" refers to how to avoid illness, while "выздоровление" concerns how a person returns to health after being ill.
In everyday communication, simple phrases work best: "Одужуй швидше!", "Бажаю одужання", "Швидше ставай на ноги". These wishes sound natural in Ukrainian and effectively convey care for the sick person.
Earlier, "Telegraph" shared how to correctly fill out documents in Ukrainian.