п’ятниця14 лютого 2025

Леся Никитюк залишає шоу "Хто зверху": що сталося?

Телеведуча Леся Нікітюк оголосила, що цей сезон "Хто зверху" буде для неї останнім. Вона подякувала глядачам за підтримку та поділилася спогадами про Сергія Притулу.
Леся Никитюк уходит из шоу "Кто сверху": что произошло?

The Ukrainian TV presenter Lesya Nikityuk announced the final season of the show "Who’s on Top" featuring her, as reported by UNN.

“This is my last season in this project. I am endlessly grateful to the viewers for your support, to the team for the inspiration, and to the format for these incredible years,” Lesya Nikityuk wrote under a backstage video from the show "Who’s on Top".

The star shared a series of stories on Instagram, reminiscing about touching moments with her former co-host Sergey Prytula.

“No, no... I'm not tired of TV; it’s my favorite job. It’s just that everything changes—people around you change, you change, your goals and desires change,” she added.


Previously, actress Ksenia Mishina resigned from the TET channel, where she hosted the popular show “I Love Ukraine”.

There were speculations online that Lesya Nikityuk might become the host of the show.

Let us remind you

Ukrainian TV presenter Lesya Nikityuk received a proposal.